We’re proud to announce that we’ve awarded the National Youth Arts Trust (NYAT) a £10,000 grant for their 2024 youth theatre project in Hull. The Olibob Arts Foundation is honoured to be able to continue supporting NYAT since we lost Oli ¹ to help more young people to develop key life skills.

Below are details on how the grant will be used.

The youth theatre projects in Hull provide year-round free 2.5 hours weekly theatre workshops, masterclasses, and theatre trips to young people aged 11-19 years.  

This project aims to bring high quality theatrical skills to talented young children of one of the most economically and culturally deprived areas in England. Hull is the 6th most income deprived area of England (Office of National Statistics report 2019).

Providing a regular social outlet and a sense of community and belongingness to young children contributes towards their overall social and mental wellbeing and to build a strong talent pipeline of young artists which will keep the culture and creativity thriving in England in the long term.

One of the beneficiaries added “NYAT is an amazing family to be part of. I didn’t think I belonged anywhere, now I feel like I do!”

¹ Generous donations made by Oli’s family, colleagues and friends in his memory enabled us to donate about £25,000 to NYAT in 2021

‘‘The students in this area have an overwhelming urge to prove themselves. Their talent is unquestionable. Further opportunities will inspire them to believe in themselves and will undoubtedly change lives.’’

Hull Youth Theatre drama teacher, Lucy Riley